Who We Are
Drogaris Companies are a leading creative land development and reuse firm, specializing in the redevelopment of historic buildings.
The bulk of Drogaris Companies work can be seen throughout Lancaster, PA where the firm is headquartered. Additionally, Drogaris Companies has completed new construction projects and has established a presence out of state and in the areas surrounding Lancaster, PA. Much of Drogaris Companies work involves the conversion of historic buildings into desirable residential and commercial spaces. Drogaris Companies offers a unique style, often marrying modern amenities with old charm. Drogaris currently offers over 150 residential and commercial rental spaces throughout Lancaster City.
About Our President & CEO
Ed P. Drogaris, President and CEO, has extensive experience in all areas of urban land development.
A longtime supporter of economic development and ecological preservation, Drogaris is very involved in organizations where the objective is to rectify deteriorating conditions in Lancaster County and other areas of Pennsylvania. He was one of the organizers of the Lancaster County Liveable Communities Task Force and helped coordinate the Liveable Communities Forum and Design Charette which involved over 200 community, state and federal leaders, and focused on the reinstitution of the liveable communities concept.

Mr. Drogaris is currently on the Economic Development Committee of the Lancaster Campaign and on the Board of Directors for the Executive Counsel for Economic Leadership. He is a former Board Member of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and is currently on the Community Initiatives Council for the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Drogaris is Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and is a member of the Growth Management Task Force for the Pennsylvania Environmental Council. He is also on the Policy Council for 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania and is a member of the Alternative Development Patterns Action Group, an action group created by the Regional Infrastructure for Sustaining Agriculture.
Drogaris has given lectures and presented before the Department of Housing and Urban Development and has testified before the Pennsylvania State Legislature on alternative forms of land development. He has also been an advisor to The Howard Heinz Foundation on environmentally sensitive issues dealing with land use. Drogaris has served as a consultant to financial institutions throughout the region to determine economic viability of questionable properties.
Meet Our Team
Ed Drogaris, President and CEO
Melody Martin, Project and Property Manager
John Posselius, Systems Supervisor
Craig Stipe, Paint and Interiors
Jorge Concepcion, General Maintenance
Bradley Bentz, Director of Operations
Kendra Frederick, Executive Assistant
Diane Kirstner, First Impressions Coordinator
Jodi Waltz-Nye, Senior Financial Officer
Jody Norton Wiker, Accounts Payable
Drogaris Companies projects have won local, regional and national design awards as well as Historic Preservation Awards.
The model unit at the Press Building took home 5 awards in the 2017 Parade of Homes Townhome Division III category hosted by the Building Industry Association of Lancaster on June 16th: Best of Show, Best Interior Design, Best Decorated, Best Kitchen, and Best Bath.
In the “Large Project” category for The Swisher Building as Phase III of the Prince Street Project in Lancaster, PA.
From the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County
a Community Revitalization and Leadership award for property 450 N. Prince Street, Buckwalter Building, a Presentation Award for Liberty North, and Rehabilitation Award for 317 North Queen Street, Lancaster, PA.
Community Revitalization Award
From the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County a Community Revitalization award for property 425 N. Prince Street, BLOCK BROTHERS WAREHOUSE at the Swisher Building in 2009.
Central Penn Business Journal’s Business of the Year – 1 to 50 Employees Finalist.
Sponsored by 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania – awarded silver for the Buckwalter Building as Phase II of the Prince Street Project, Lancaster, PA in 2006 and adaptive reuse for Lancaster Press Building, Lancaster, PA in 2019.
Central Pennsylvania Finalist.
For a commercial preservation project.
Ground Breaking Design
Sponsored by 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania in 2004 – Smart grown design, cutting-edge community development, and progressive urban and rural planning in Pennsylvania.